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How to Nail Your Conference Pitch

How to Nail Your Conference Pitch

So you’re headed to a writing conference and have a chance to pitch to an agent. Congratulations. I’m going to my first conference this summer, Writer’s Digest 2022, and understand the nerves. Oh, the anxiety! I’m going to compile the best...
5 Ways to Manage Your Writing Anxiety

5 Ways to Manage Your Writing Anxiety

If you’re reading this, you likely don’t need to be told what ‘Writing Anxiety’ is. I’d wager you’ve experienced it firsthand, maybe often enough that it’s become a recurring symptom of your writing life, perhaps even a disease. This is fair. Writing is a lonely...
Tolstoy and the Importance of Fiction

Tolstoy and the Importance of Fiction

Whether fiction has had much tangible effect on the world is up for debate. Despite people having read 1984 and Brave New World, we appear to inch closer to a brave new world of our own. A new political exposé might appear to not make a lick of difference. Societal...